Contact Us


Phone: 802-254-2232
Fax: 802-254-3680

Physical Address

Windham County Humane Society
916 West River Rd. (Route 30)
Brattleboro, VT 05301

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 397
Brattleboro, VT 05302

You can also use the form below to contact us.

WCHS is Vermont’s first shelter to provide public veterinary care!

  • Keeping pets with their owners lowers pet impoundment and euthanasia.

  • WCHS’s Pet Food Pantry provides hundreds of pet-meals each year.

  • 50% of the animals we receive require extensive and expensive veterinary care to get well.

  • There is no time limit for pets awaiting adoption!

  • The Temporary Boarding (for pets whose owners are in crisis) keeps pets and people together during hard times.

  • Annually, 500+ pets are adopted, and 1800 community pets receive veterinary care through the Pet Wellness Center.

  • WCHS is considered a “no-kill” shelter. Over 94% of the animals have been saved for the last 10 years!