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Spring Appeal

Every spring, we see litter upon litter of kittens brought into WCHS. 

I want to walk you through a day in the life of a Feline Care Manager!

After checking messages, it’s time for my daily census:

  • Who got dropped off last night?

  • How old is each kitten?

  • What’s their health status?

  • And the foster kitties—who’s due for vaccines? 

Next, I clean the cat rooms and list what supplies we need. Somedays, I hop on Facebook to request kitten supplies while feeding a “bottle baby.” These newborn kittens need help eating and pooping every few hours!

Around 7 p.m., I sit down for dinner when a text comes in with a close-up of kitten poop. The sender and I discuss the finer details of feline fecal consistency to see if his foster kitty is okay before I fall asleep dreaming about purring kittens.

You and other donors are behind the bottles of formula-feeding orphaned kittens, the doses of medicine saving their lives, and the fact that my colleagues and I get to spend our days helping vulnerable  beings we love.

Will you give $250, $125, $75, or anything you can today to help our feline friends survive their first days and get the medical care they need?

Please help us raise $25,000 by June 30 to cover care for 270 kittens and 586 spay and neuter surgeries for kittens this season. Thank you for being part of WCHS.

January 20

Winter Appeal

March 20

50-50 Rescue Raffle 2025